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N-Able produkter



Cove Data Protection




Take Control

MSP Manager
Advance your IT capabilities with the complete RMM
Award-winning N‑able RMM has evolved to include remote access, ticketing, and billing in one complete solution.
- Patch management
- Drag and drop automation
- Asset discovery, inventory tracking
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N-able N-Sight

N-able N-Central

RMM of choice for the most advanced MSPs and IT teams
N‑central® RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) gives you the power to automate, monitor, manage, and secure all your environments at scale.
- Control your full range of devices and networks in as little as 15 minutes.
- Tap into easy, flexible, reliable patch management for millions of devices.
- Pro-code, low-code or no-code automation, including 650+ pre-built scripts.
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Cloud-first data protection as a service
- Appliance-free, direct-to-cloud backup for virtual & physical servers, workstations, applications, and databases.
- Cloud storage included: Backup storage in our worldwide private cloud is included in your price. Keep data in region with 30 data centers.
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N-able Cove Data Protection

N‑able Passportal

Cloud-based password and documentation management
Create and control strong credentials and user access to devices, networks, and applications with the N‑able™ Passportal™ solution.
- Offer cloud-based, encrypted password management
- Generate stronger passwords, eliminate re-use, and automate password updates and maintenance
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Mitigate ransomware at lightning speed
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N‑able EDR

N-able Mailassure

Email protection to help you secure and scale
- Detect phishing and protect in real time with collective threat intelligence and machine learning
- Help secure inbound and outbound email with full SPF/DKIM/DMARC support
- Get 24/7 email continuity and encrypted, long-term email archiving with unlimited storage
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Remote support software to help solve issues fast
- Connect to devices typically in eight seconds or less*
- Troubleshoot issues with device information and specs at your fingertips
- Configure and customize for your business using the admin dashboard.
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N-able Take Control

N-able MSP Manager

Ticketing and billing software to boost your growth
- Simplify time tracking with timers and functionality for recurring tickets and appointments
- Customize service offerings with out-of-the-box models
- Brand the portal for complete customer and knowledge management
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Vil du høre mere om N-Ables produkter?
Kontak Incom på tlf. 48284060 for yderligere information om muligheder og produkter.